paintball warriors forum

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4 plaatsers

    Tricks, tips & hints


    Aantal berichten : 170
    Join date : 17-05-09
    Leeftijd : 38
    Woonplaats : Enschede

    Tricks, tips & hints Empty Tricks, tips & hints

    Bericht  kneusteun di mei 19, 2009 6:34 am

    Een topic om dingen te posten die handig kunnen zijn voor het team.
    Ik zal de aftrap doen:

    The art of Woodsball:

    Move like a covert mouse not like a hippo during heat:
    Try to stay on uncluttered ground when rushing through the woods. Where you step can and will have an impact on how loud you are.

    Light running shoes are great for moving quietly but if terrain is harsh, with muddy areas and unlevel ground, comfortable hiking boots will preform highly. Try to stay away from army retail store boots, they are loud enough to tip off the Germans your coming.

    Mind your paintballs. A half filled hopper or paintball pods can be as loud as baby rattles, that keeps the sleep deprived parents up all night. When buying pods, buy pods that are about half or ¾ the size of your hopper. This prevents forcing you to have to shoot your hopper dry before reloading.
    Move slowly. When you see someone that cannot or has not seen you do not immediately open fire. Slow yourself, calm your nerves, make sure you have a shot, and take it.

    Communicate and Teamwork
    If you thought communication is important in speedball, woodsball is all about communication. Plan your movements with your teams. Have a reactive strategy with leadership that people will go along with. Your leader is not just the guy or gal with the best gun. Its about tactical experience, common military sense, and nerves.

    Things to do:

    When playing paintball on a recreational field or playing with other walk-ons stop and meet them, introduce yourself and learn their names. I have seen and played games which the team members do not know each others names and this hampers teamwork and communication. Yelling ‘hey Bob watch right’ is significantly better that ‘hey guy in the greenish camouflage watch right.’ If you don’t know your teammates names can call them by their gun they use ‘hey A-5 watch right.’

    Call out positions off the break (or start). Often over looked, telling your teammates where your opponents are located is critical to assisting your teammates in taking out your paintball enemies.

    Move with cover. A basic but fun move, call to your teammate to cover you when your moving to an advanced position. On the recreational field the coverer can usually force the opponents to stick their head back behind their bunker, in not get an opponent out, with a hail of paintballs.

    Flanking Right! To accomplish an effective flanking move, take out your opponents left or right side and move and advance heavily on that side. This gives your teammates a better side angle on your opponent and heavily compromises there bunker positions. This requires affecting communication and teamwork. Flanking is all about timing and knowing were your opponents are. Usually a back player with a good view of the field can call out ‘right move up’ or ‘flank right’ depending on where the opposing team moved off the break, the number of opposing paintballers who walked out of the field with their hands up, and where they came from.

    Stay mobile! Not just as a person but as a team. It looks very novice like to sit in the back and drag out the game for ten or twenty unnecessary minutes. Move as a unit and move fast.

    sorry voor de lap tekst Razz en ik neem aan dat iedereen engels kan?

    Aantal berichten : 226
    Join date : 14-05-09
    Leeftijd : 36
    Woonplaats : Rijssen

    Tricks, tips & hints Empty Re: Tricks, tips & hints

    Bericht  Kreje di mei 19, 2009 8:44 am

    Ik wist wel dat mijn nikes het goed deden op het veld Cool

    Aantal berichten : 170
    Join date : 17-05-09
    Leeftijd : 38
    Woonplaats : Enschede

    Tricks, tips & hints Empty Re: Tricks, tips & hints

    Bericht  kneusteun di mei 19, 2009 9:20 am

    Jup, maar ik ben ook blij met me voetbal schoentjes lekker veel grip.

    En namen is ook een goeie met 2 maal robert 2 maal teun en willem-jan en jan-willem!

    Aantal berichten : 226
    Join date : 14-05-09
    Leeftijd : 36
    Woonplaats : Rijssen

    Tricks, tips & hints Empty Re: Tricks, tips & hints

    Bericht  Kreje di mei 19, 2009 9:40 am

    You can call me Henk

    Aantal berichten : 52
    Join date : 18-05-09
    Leeftijd : 39
    Woonplaats : Rijssen

    Tricks, tips & hints Empty Re: Tricks, tips & hints

    Bericht  Robert wo mei 20, 2009 6:03 am

    Ja en mij roflfist. Reageer ik ook op Rolling Eyes Dont ask. Vond mijn verrotte nikes ook lekker lopen door het bos.

    Aantal berichten : 226
    Join date : 14-05-09
    Leeftijd : 36
    Woonplaats : Rijssen

    Tricks, tips & hints Empty Re: Tricks, tips & hints

    Bericht  Kreje wo mei 20, 2009 10:35 am

    Robert schreef:Ja en mij roflfist. Reageer ik ook op Rolling Eyes Dont ask. Vond mijn verrotte nikes ook lekker lopen door het bos.

    Rolo is misschien makkelijker Razz

    Aantal berichten : 52
    Join date : 18-05-09
    Leeftijd : 39
    Woonplaats : Rijssen

    Tricks, tips & hints Empty Re: Tricks, tips & hints

    Bericht  Robert wo mei 20, 2009 11:38 am

    Reageer ik ook op:P maar wordt vaker roflfist dan rolo. En jij reageert trouwens ook op kreje Razz

    Aantal berichten : 226
    Join date : 14-05-09
    Leeftijd : 36
    Woonplaats : Rijssen

    Tricks, tips & hints Empty Re: Tricks, tips & hints

    Bericht  Kreje wo mei 20, 2009 12:35 pm

    Robert schreef:Reageer ik ook op:P maar wordt vaker roflfist dan rolo. En jij reageert trouwens ook op kreje Razz

    denk meer op kreje dan op robert lol!

    Aantal berichten : 10
    Join date : 24-05-09
    Leeftijd : 49
    Woonplaats : Borne

    Tricks, tips & hints Empty Re: Tricks, tips & hints

    Bericht  Roy zo aug 23, 2009 4:08 am

    Move like a covert mouse not like a hippo during heat:

    ff aanpassen en dan kan het voor mij ook niet meer stuk!!!

    Move like a covert hippo or a running mouse during heat!

    pfffffff lastig hoor.

    En zo is deze regel voor mij ook van toe passing.

    Gesponsorde inhoud

    Tricks, tips & hints Empty Re: Tricks, tips & hints

    Bericht  Gesponsorde inhoud

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